Fun with Processing

I decided to play with Processing just to brush up on my coding skills. I much prefer scripting. I stole my brother’s homework and made some changes. I will update as I make it better!

/* Edits on Robert Warner’s Pong Game 8/30/2017 stopped paddles from escaping the playing space added random board color to each time a point is scored allowed ball to go any direction after point is scored */

float x = 400;

float y = 400;

float alt = -1;

float delX = random(3, 5);

float delY = random(2, 3);

float rect1Y = 350;

float rect2Y = 350;

int score1 = 0;

int score2 = 0;

boolean player2Down = false;

boolean player1Down = false;

boolean player1Up = false;

boolean player2Up = false;

float colors1 = 255;

float colors2 = 0;

float colors3 = 0;

void setup() { //creates play space

size (800, 800);


void draw() {

//colors background, draws ball and center line

background(colors1, colors2, colors3);

fill(0, 0, 255); //color of paddles/ball

ellipse(x=x+delX, y=y+delY, 25, 25);

line(400, 0, 400, 800);

//if ball passes left boundary wall, increment score and reset position

if (x<=0) {


x = 400;

y = 400;

delX = random(3, 5); //randomizes the magnitude between 3 and 5

delX = delX * random(-1, 1); //randomizes the direction

delY = random(2, 3);

delY = delY * random(-1, 1); //randomizes the direction

colors1 = random(0, 255); //randomizes the background color

colors2 = random(0, 255);

colors3 = random(0, 255);


//if ball passes right boundary wall, increment score and reset position

if (x>=800) {


x = 400;

y = 400;

delX = random(3, 5);

delX = delX * random(-1, 1); //randomizes the direction

delY = random(2, 4);

delY = delY * random(-1, 1); //randomizes the direction

colors1 = random(0, 255);

colors2 = random(0, 255);

colors3 = random(0, 255);


//draws text to screen


text(“Warner Pong”, 325, 25);

text(“Player 1 Score”, 5, 25);

text(score1, 5, 55);

text(“Player 2 Score”, 625, 25);

text(score2, 770, 55);

//draws pong paddles

rect(0, rect1Y, 20, 100);

rect(780, rect2Y, 20, 100);

//logic for pong ball hittle paddle

if (x<32.5 && y>rect1Y && y<rect1Y+100) {

delX = -1.1 * delX; //reverse direction, speed up slightly


//logic for pong ball hittle paddle

if (x>767.5 && y>rect2Y && y<rect2Y+100) {

delX = -1.1 * delX; //reverse direction, speed up slightly


//logic for pong ball hitting top or bottom wall

if (y>787.5   y<12.5) {

delY = -1 * delY; //reverse direction



void keyPressed() {

//poll to see if key pressed; set boolean flag

if (key == ‘q’   key == ‘Q’) {

player1Up = true;


if (key == ‘a’   key == ‘A’) {

player1Down = true;


if (key == ‘p’   key == ‘P’) {

player2Up = true;


if (key == ‘l’   key == ‘L’) {

player2Down = true;


//give player one an opportunity to move, then give player2 an opportunity to move

//move player one if flag set

if (player1Up == true) {

if (rect1Y <= 0) { //check to see if pong paddle is hitting the top wall

rect1Y = 0; //dont let it move past the edge of the play space

} else {

rect1Y -=20; //otherwise, let it move


player1Up = false; //reset “move up” flag to false

} else if (player1Down == true) {

if (rect1Y >= 707.5) {

rect1Y = 707.5;

} else {

rect1Y += 20;


player1Down = false;


//move player 2 if flag set

if (player2Up == true) {

if (rect2Y <= 0) {

rect2Y = 0;

} else {

rect2Y -=20;


player2Up = false;

} else if (player2Down == true) {

if (rect2Y >= 707.5) {

rect2Y = 707.5;

} else {

rect2Y += 20;


player2Down = false;


